Tuesday, 25 October 2011

More dumplings

I was recommended another restaurants in Liberdade for dumplings so I went today to pick up 100 dumplings to put in the freezer - basically for backup when I have the baby. I'm not sure if they will last the next few days. I got 80 pork ones and 30 veggie ones which are amazing. I pan fried and steamed a mix of them.

Their portuguese isn't great, mine is bad. My chinese is awful (I really can't hold more than 1.5 languages in my head at one time) and their english is non-existent but I got the message across!!

Restaurante Jardim Meio Hectare  (半𠺖園 )
Rua Thomas Gonzaga, 65


  1. I haven't posted yet either.. I'm 16 weeks. But thanks for the tip, that's sooo awesome and a great idea that I'm totally going to steal!

  2. Congratulations!! I meet up with a group of pregnant ladies - if you would like to join us, send me your email address! We are meeting next Thursday in Itaim, bjs
